
The purpose of this article is to provide a step-by-step guide for Buk administrators who wish to create and standardize value tables on the platform. This information focuses on training users to structure information efficiently according to their own criteria or the specific needs of their company, resulting in better organization and utilization of data in their business environment.


Scope / Limitations: 

This article is intended for Buk administrators who wish to create and standardize value tables on the platform. It provides a step-by-step guide for creating and loading information into these tables, allowing administrators to structure the data according to their criteria or the needs of the company. However, it is important to note that the creation process can only be carried out individually. It is not possible to import a file to create a table for the first time in the platform, however, it is possible to bulk load data into tables once they have been created. 


Legal Basis and Applications: 

This process focuses on optimizing the management of structured data in Buk, with particular emphasis on creating and editing tables, as well as efficiently importing data related to business data management practices.  In Buk, you can create tables to standardize information and speed up automated results. When designing these tables, you can take advantage of the columns to organize and structure the data according to your needs. You can work with two types of tables depending on what suits you best: "Tables by Columns" and "Tables by Range".


"Tables by Columns" represent a way of structuring data in a tabular format, where each column corresponds to a specific attribute or characteristic of the data. Each row of the table stores information related to these characteristics. You can use as many columns as you need, as this will allow you to formulate based on this information. You can use the variable "TABLA_POR_COLUMNA(codigo_tabla, columna_a_buscar, valor_a_buscar, columna_resultado, valor_por_defecto = ausente)," which will return the value from the result column based on the specified column and value to search for.

On the other hand, a "Table by Range" is used to organize data based on intervals of values instead of individual attributes or characteristics, as in tables by columns. This structure is especially useful when you want to classify and summarize data in categories based on numerical ranges. To create a "Table by Range", it is recommended to use at least three columns: a result column that can contain any data related to a specific interval, and two limit columns, one named "From" and the other "To", which define the numerical range. These designations, "From" and "To", are used within the column names to facilitate their identification. This is particularly useful when working with the function "TABLA_POR_RANGO (codigo_tabla, columna_limite_inferior, columna_limite_superior, valor_a_buscar, columna_resultado, valor_por_defecto = ausente) By naming the columns as lower limit (From) and upper limit (To), the search becomes more intuitive and allows you to obtain a value from the "result" column more easily.



Keep this information in mind when you are defining the structure of your column, the process of which is explained below.


Individual Platform Process: 

A table in Buk can only be structurally created individually. To do this, go to the "Administration" section of the platform by clicking on the gear symbol  (⚙️) . There, choose the "Master Tables" option. In this view, you will find all previously created tables. To create a new one, click on "Create Table" and fill in the following fields:


  • General information: Basic information of the complete table.
  1. Name: Name the table.
  2. Code: The code can only contain letters and numbers and will be used as an identifier to reference the table in the formulated items.
  3. Comments: In this box you can put a description of the table; however, it is optional.
  • Column Details: You will need to input the "Name" and "Data Type" for as many columns as there exist in the table.
  1. Name: Name the column
  2. Data Type: Choose whether the data will be of type "Text", "Numeric" or "Date".



After you have completed the structure press "Save" to set it. Next, you will see a section showing the details of the columns you created. Click "Edit" and select "Values" to input the data into each previously created column, or select "Structure" if you want to change the column structure or the existing general information.


When editing "Values," you can add a new data field by clicking the plus sign "+." If you wish to delete the data you have just inputted, click the "trash can" icon to remove it.  



Once the data is ready, press "Save" to record the table data. When you perform this action, the system will display a summary box for you to validate that everything has been inputted correctly. If you notice any errors, you can press "Edit" again to correct the "Values" or the "Structure" of the table.



Bulk Platform Process: 

Once you complete the table, if you wish to input or edit its values, you can also do so in bulk. To do this, go to "Information" by clicking on "Importers," and then in that view, you will find the "Parameter Tables" importer. Clicking on it will provide you with instructions for the upload, including general considerations such as: 



  • Values field cannot be left blank.
  • All tables uploaded in the file will be overwritten. To leave a table untouched you can delete it from the file.
  • Leave a blank space between each table.
  • Do not delete columns.



Once you have reviewed the information, download the template from "Download Template". The file will include all the created tables. Input or edit the information for the tables you need to update; delete the ones you don't need from the template.



When you complete the file, you can upload it from "Upload File." Once the upload is complete, you will have input or edited the values of your tables in bulk.


Required Modules:

  • Base People Management Essential Plan


Necessary or Associated General Settings: 

To work with tables, it is necessary for the Customer Support team or your Project Manager to activate the General Configuration on your platform for: "Enable KPIs" which will activate the "Master Tables" and the "Master KPI".



Key words: 

Tables, KPI, table by range, table by column, result, formulated, formula, items, importer, in bulk, master, commission, sales, interval, result, generate, values.



You might also be interested in:

Working with Formulated Items and KPIs


Formulated items


Remember, if you need help, you can contact us through our support channels, and we will be happy to help you! 

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